TopTags manufacture a range of plastic tags suitable for use in many industries


TopTags manufacture a range of plastic tags suitable for use in many industries but particularly suited to the lifting gear and health and safety testing sectors. It is important to be seen to comply with industrial safety regulations and where lifting safety standards have to be maintained, lifting equipment testing is vital and one way of indicating compliance with the lifting regulations is with one of the tags from our range which can be easily fitted when lifting testing is carried out.

Made from moulded polyurethane, our tags have the feel of rubber tags and provide a robust, durable tag for HAVS compliance, LOLER examinations, asset management and Identification in difficult or hostile environments, whilst remaining soft and supple enough to be used in healthcare applications for example on patient hoists.


With our many printing options available we are used to handling your unique requirements, such as including your company logo on the tags.


  • Industry leading turnaround times
  • Bulk discounts
  • Extensive knowledge of industrial tagging requirements